Trouble shooting guide
Thread breaks
Needles break
Skipped stitches
Poor stitch formation
Seams flute or ware (knits)
Seams pucker
Fabric edges curl
Thread loops are loose
Machine does not sew
Thread tension is too tight
for thread used.
The machine is not threaded
Needles are incorrectly
Needles are bent, blunt or the
points are damaged.
Needles not inserted
Fabric was pulled while sewing.
Needles are bent or blunt.
Wrong needles used.
Thread is not wound correctly
round tension dials.
Differential feed is set incorrectly.
Fabric was pulled while sewing.
Differential feed is set incorrectly.
Too much fabric in the stitch
Too little fabric in the stitch
Cord not plugged in correctly.
Main switch not on.
Reduce thread tension.
Check the threading.
Insert needles fully into needle
clamp with flat side to the back.
Replace the needles.
Insert needles fully into
needle clamp with flat side
to the back.
Guide fabric gently with both
Replace the needles.
Use system HAx1 (130/705H) needles.
Check threading.
Adjust differential feed
between N and 8 "
Adjust differential feed
between N and 5 "
Reduce cutting width, knife
to the left.
Increase the cutting width,
knife to the right.
Check plug.
Switch machine on " 1 ".