Leg cover closing
Left pannel
Right pannel
Be careful not to set the right panel webbing too tight, as it could make entering the
pod after take off more difficult.
Front belt adjustment
The front belt adjustment is very easy to reach in flight, as it is just in front of the
cockpit. This setting has a big influence on the behavior of the harness in the air. A
very tight adjustment stabilizes the harness, a very loose adjustment de-stabilizes
the harness.
Rescue parachute extraction
In case of an unrecoverable flight incident, the rescue parachute extraction is initia-
ted by pulling the rescue handle out and to the side. The two zips will open and the
rescue container will be open at the side and along the bottom of the harness. For
more information, you can watch the video of the rescue extraction made on the
G-Force Trainer on our website.