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THOMSON LCD03B Documentation Technique page 11

27”& 30”


Life Time
Panel Resolution
800 X 600
NvRam Ver.
OC / 14
HXV Res / HFreq
649 X 548
HXV Total
864 X 625
Mode Num
41.0 M
Factory Save...
Page5 on service mode
37. Life Time: The left item means the time added by stand by + TV on
The right item display the time of TV-on only.
38. Project Code: as title
39. Panel Resolution: as title
40. NvRam Ver. Display EEPROM data veriosn.
41. HXV Res / Hfreq: timing information. Resolution and H clock
42. HXV Total: timing information.
43. Mode Num: timing information. Sequence of Timing chart.
44. DCLK: timing information. Data clock
These 4(41,42,43,and 44) items above are for development check only.
45. Factory save: save factory parameters.
46. Green label: display tuner s/w version.
37. Life Time:
-Indication de gauche:
indique le temps fonctionnement total du TV: On+ Stand by.
-Indication de droite:
Indique le temps de fonctionnement du TV en On seulement.
38. Project Code: Info code.
39. Panel Resolution: Resolution du panneau d'écran.
40. NvRam Ver. Version EEPROM.
41. HXV Res / Hfreq: Information de temps resolution et Horloge H.
42. HXV Total: Information de temps.
43. Mode Num: Information de temps
44. DCLK: Information de temps.
Data clock.
Ces 4 lignes d'information sont utilisées en développement.
45. Factory save: Sauvegarde les paramétres usine.
46. Green label: Affiche la version de Software du tuner.
Seite 5 des Service-Modes
37. Life Time: Betriebsstundenzähler, links: Summe Standby-Zeit und
TV-Ein, rechts: nur TV-Ein-Zeit.
38. Project Code:
39. Panel Resolution: Auflösung der LCD-Panels
40. NvRam Ver. : Version EEPROM-Daten
41. HXV Res / HFreq:Timing-Information (Auflösung und H-Clock)
42. HXV Total: Timing Information
43. Mode Num Timing Information
44. DCLK: Timing Information Data Clock
45. Factory Save: Daten des Service-Modes speichern.
46. Grün hinterlegtes Feld: Version Tuner-Software
First issue 04 / 04
Tuner: 1D
37. Life Time: Il contatore a sinistra indica il tempo totale di
funzionamento in Stand By + apparecchio acceso. Il contatore a destra
indica il tempo totale di funzionamento ad apparecchio acceso (ON).
38. Project code: Codice progetto.
39. Panel Resolution: Risoluzione pannello.
40. NvRam Ver: Versione EEPROM.
41. HXV res / Hfreq: Informazione timing. Risoluzione e Clock H.
42. HXV Total: Informazioni timing.
43. Mode Num: Informazioni Timing. Sequenza carta tempi.
44. DCLK: Informazioni Timing. Clock Data.
I valori menzionati nei punti 41, 42 43 e 44 sono solo per la fabbrica
45. Factory save: Parametri memorizzati in fabbrica.
46. Casella verde: Versione software Tuner
37. Life Time: Los números de la izquierda muestran la suma de las
horas en stand-by + TV encendido. Los de la derecha indican sólo las
horas de TV encendido.
38. Project Code: informativo
39. Panel Resolution: informativo
40. NvRam Ver. Indica la versión de la EEPROM.
41. HXV Res / Hfreq: información de timing. Resolución y frecuencia H.
42. HXV Total: información de timing.
43. Mode Num: información de timing.
44. DCLK: información de timing. Frecuencia del reloj.
Estas 4 funciones anteriores (41,42,43,y 44) son informativas. Sólo son
para comprobación.
45. Factory save: memoriza los valores de fábrica.
46. Casilla en verde: indica la versión de software del sintonizador.

