6 Accessories
Accessories for the monopolar operating mode
Handles for monopolar electrodes can be connected to the unit using a 2-pin standard or MARTIN
plug or using the 4 mm plug (banana plug) with only one contact.
3-pin standard plug
Neutral electrode
The connecting plug of the neutral electrode output has a diameter of Ø6.35 mm.
The HBS 100 reliably detects neutral electrodes with undivided and divided contact surface. A
comparison of the electrode detected by the machine and the used electrode provides a direct
indication of correct adhesion of the neutral electrode. Both single-use and reusable neutral
electrodes can be used.
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electrosurgery accessories catalogue today!
MARTIN monopolar
Connecting plug for the neutral electrode
HEBUmedical recommends the use of the single-use safety
neutral electrode with double divided contact surface
(HF 9550-40) for maximum safety!
HBS 100
Monopolar 4mm 1-pin plug
(banana plug)