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Liens rapides

1.Carefully remove the stylus from the cartridge
2.Connect the wires from the headshell to the pins
on the cartridge
correct connections. Note: To prevent "ground loops"
and hum, do not make common (ground) connec-
tions at these terminals.
3. Mount cartridge in the headshell and replace stylus
). Do not force.
threaded up from the bottom to provide maximum
record clearance.
For monophonic playback of recordings, the left and right channels should be connected in parallel. This is ac-
complished most conveniently by setting the function switch on the associated preamplifier to "A + B" or "MONO." If
the existing equipment has a single monophonic input, the two channels of the cartridge should be paralleled and
connected to this single input.
1. Make certain cartridge is correctly mounted in tone-
arm and stylus is properly inserted in cartridge.
2. Protect stylus with stylus guard when dusting turntable.
3. Regulate tonearm set-down to prevent stylus from
striking edge of turntable or record.
4. Do not handle tonearm while record is being played.
Use cueing device if available.
5. If manual set-down is necessary, release arm as
soon as stylus engages groove.
6. Do not activate arm without record(s) on turntable.
7. Do not use damaged records.
8. Check tracking force and anti-skate adjustments pe-
riodically. The Shure SFG-2 Tracking Force Gauge,
available through your Shure dealer, provides a sim-
ple way to accurately set tracking force.
©2008, Shure Incorporated
27C3013 (Rev. 4)
Cartridge installation
. Use the following table for the
: screws can be
MonoPHoniC PlaYBaCK
Cartridge oPeration
Model M97xE User Guide
4. When the Dynamic Stabilizer brush is set to the op-
erating position
tracking force. The proper tonearm settings for the
recommended range of stylus tip tracking forces are:
RANGE (effective at
stylus tip)
Maximum 1.5 g
optimum 1.25 g
Minimum 0,75 g
5. Make the following final adjustments. Consult your
turntable instructions.
Cartridge overhang: If adjustable.
anti-skate: If this adjustment is not speci-
fied in your turntable instructions, use the
same setting as for tracking force.
tonearm Height: If adjustable.
dYnaMiC staBiliZer/de-statiCiZer
The M97xE's exclusive viscous-damped Dynamic Sta-
maintains a uniform distance between the car-
tridge and the record under difficult playing conditions,
such as those caused by warped records or mismatched
tonearm mass. When such stabilization is not required,
the stabilizer can be locked into its up position, which can
improve sound quality under ideal playing conditions.
Over 10,000 conductive fibers in the stabilizer brush
neutralize static charges on the record surface and con-
duct them to the ground. Additionally, the fibers sweep
the record groove clean of dust and dirt in front of the
stylus tip. The Stabilizer also absorbs impact to pre-
vent record or stylus damage if the arm is accidentally
dropped on a record.
side gUard stYlUs ProteCtion sYsteM
The Side-Guard stylus protection system helps prevent
stylus damage if the cartridge accidentally slides across
a record. This system responds to side thrusts on the
stylus by withdrawing the entire stylus cantilever and tip
safely into the stylus housing before the cantilever can
be damaged.
Use the supplied brush to clean the stylus and dynamic
stabilizer. Brush only from back to front, as shown . Do
not use liquids on the stabilizer brush. Use alcohol or an
alcohol-distilled water solution to clean the stylus. Com-
mercial cleaning solutions may damage the stylus.
A, it absorbs 0.5 grams of tonearm
Dynamic Stabilizer
Down (operating)
2.0 g
1.75 g
1.25 g
stYlUs Cleaning
Dynamic Stabilizer
Up (non-operating)
1.5 g
1.25 g
0.75 g
Printed in U.S.A.



Sommaire des Matières pour Shure M97xE Serie

  • Page 1 The Shure SFG-2 Tracking Force Gauge, Use the supplied brush to clean the stylus and dynamic available through your Shure dealer, provides a sim- stabilizer. Brush only from back to front, as shown . Do ple way to accurately set tracking force.
  • Page 2 Toutes les GARANTIES implicites de QUALITÉ MARCHAN- DE ou d’APTITUDE À UN USAGE PARTICULIER sont refusées et, par Shure Incorporated (« Shure ») garantit par la présente que, pour un usage normal, la présente, Shure n’accepte aucune responsabilité concernant des dom- ce produit est exempt de défauts de matériaux et de fabrication, pendant une période...
  • Page 3 única. FUnCionaMiento de la CaPsUla 7. No use discos dañados. 8. Revise los valores de ajuste de fuerza de seguimiento y de antipatinaje periódica- 1. Asegúrese que la cápsula esté correctamente montada en el brazo y que la aguja mente. El medidor de fuerza de seguimiento SFG-2 de Shure, disponible a través esté bien insertada en la cápsula. del concesionario de Shure, proporciona un medio sencillo para ajustar la fuerza 2. Proteja la aguja con una cubierta protectora al limpiar el plato. de seguimiento con precisión.
  • Page 4 United States, Canada, Latin America, Caribbean: 5800 W. Touhy Avenue, Niles, IL 60714-4608, U.S.A. Phone: 847-600-2000 U.S. Fax: 847-600-1212 Int’l Fax: 847-600-6446 Europe, Middle East, Africa: Shure Europe GmbH, Phone: 49-7131-72140 Fax: 49-7131-721414 Asia, Pacific: Shure Asia Limited, Phone: 852-2893-4290 Fax: 852-2893-4055...