Let's play now! Keep some coins ready, to start each new game. In the event of a dysfunction, remove
the batteries and insert them again after one minute. This will completely reset the microcontroller.
Functional description and instructions
The players move their ping pong racquets with the rotary knobs. A ball is hit back and forth. If you
succeed in hitting your ball out, beside the racquet of your opponent, you win a point. The first player
to reach ten points wins the match. The first game starts after the insertion of the batteries. The dis-
play switches off when the game is over. You must then insert a coin to start a new game.
You can either play against a computer or against a real player. Computer against computer games
are also possible. The selection of the players occurs at the start. If you place a racquet upwards,
then it belongs to the computer and indicates this by flashing. So you can hand over either the left or
the right side or even both sides alternatively to the computer. Further options are presented below.
Computer against computer