1.5.5. Exclusion from liability
No liability will be assumed for product damage if one or
more of the following points apply:
Incorrect design and on our part due to faulty and/
or incorrect information provided by the operator or
Non-compliance with the safety instructions, the reg-
ulations and the requirements set forth by German
law and
this operating and maintenance manual
Incorrect storage and transport
Improper assembly/dismantling
Improper maintenance
Unqualified repairs
Faulty construction site and/or construction work
Chemical, electrochemical and electrical influences
In case of a power failure or another technical failure, by
which a proper operation of the pump is no longer guar-
anteed, it is essential to take care that damages by an
overflow of the pump sump are prevented securely, for
example, by installing a mains-independent alarm or other
appropriate protective measures.
This means the manufacturer's liability excludes all liability
for personal, material or financial injury.
1.5.6. Manufacturer's address
HOMA Pumpenfabrik GmbH
Industriestrasse 1
D-53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
Phone: +49 2247 / 7020
+49 2247 / 70244
Email: info@homa-pumpen.de
Homepage: www.homapumpen.de
12 | EngliSH
2. Safety Information
Please read the operating manual from the pump be-
ing used for the safety notes.