Dried blood.
As a general rule:
Carefully remove thick areas with a spoon. Never try to scrape or pull off
dried-on stains.
Soak a cloth in detergent or stain remover according to the recommen-
Cleaning agents must never be applied directly to the cover material!
If foreign media are used, first apply them to a non-visible area to test
the colour fastness of the material and check for changes to the finish.
Never soak stains.
Always use distilled water to avoid limescale deposits.
For stains of uncertain origin, first proceed in the same way as for water-
soluble stains. If this is not successful, apply the recommended treat-
ment for non-water-soluble stains.
After treatment, pat the cover dry with a dry white cloth, then brush
down and allow to dry at room temperature. After drying, brush again
with a soft brush.
For persistent stains, seek advice from a specialist.
Never use steam cleaners!
- carefully lift off (with velour, there is danger of
damage to the surface).
- If necessary, re-treat several times with cleaning
Moisten a white cloth with citric acid solution (1
level tablespoon to 100 ml cold water) and apply.
Do not use on cotton, linen or viscose – acid will
damage the fibres.