Imitation leather
Carefully wipe down the cover with a clean, slightly damp chamois leather.
Moisture will keep the material elastic. Treat stubborn stains with mild soapy
Act quickly – the sooner you tackle a stain, the greater your chances of suc-
cess. Depending on the circumstances, work from seam to seam, but always
from the centre to the edge to avoid enlarging the stain. Use a clean, soft,
white cloth and only apply light pressure when cleaning to avoid damaging the
surface structure.
Water-soluble stains
Blood, egg, faeces, uri-
Coffee with milk, cocoa,
indelible pencil, ballpoint
pen, lipstick, mayon-
naise, perfume, cream,
sauces, soups, vomit
Spirits, beer, cola-based
drinks, fruit juices, lem-
onade, coffee, tea
Non-water-soluble stains
Butter, wax floor polish,
paint, fat, varnish, nail
varnish, furniture polish,
oil, resin, charcoal, in-
delible pencil
Chewing gum, plasticine
Candle wax
Treat with cold, distilled water. If necessary, re-
treat with a shampoo solution or mild fabric deter-
gent. Do not use hot water as the proteins will co-
Treat with a lukewarm shampoo solution or mild
fabric detergent and distilled water. If traces re-
main, treat with ethyl alcohol, cleaning solvent or
stain remover after drying.
Do not allow the stain to dry, instead treat immedi-
ately with a lukewarm shampoo solution or mild
fabric detergent and distilled water.
Treat with solvents such as cleaning solvent, 75%
isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol or standard stain
Use a standard freezing spay according to the in-
structions. With velour, there is a danger of dam-
age to the surface.
Do not use an iron! Crumble the wax away as
much as possible and