Changing the Settings of the Wireless Display
Windows 98
Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Network] - [TCP/IP -> ***] -
[Properties] - [IP Address], set the parameters by following the <Step 3> screen,
then select [OK]. ("***" depends on the wireless LAN device.)
Windows 2000
Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Network and Dial-up Connections] -
[Local Area Connection] - [Properties] -[Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)] - [Proper-
ties], set the parameters by following the <Step 3> screen, then select [OK].
Windows NT
Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Network] - [Protocol] - [TCP/IP
Protocol] - [Properties] - [IP Address], set the parameters by following the
<Step 3> screen, then select [OK].
When setting the security key and/or other settings
Set parameters for security functions and other parameters related to the computer's
wireless LAN functions.
Refer to the computer's operating instructions for details.
Restart the computer