10.11 Info
11. Content of report printout
Leakage test
**** Lindab LT600 ****
Version 1.0
Test report ID# 148
DIN EN 12237 compliant leakage test
report for duct system
DIN EN 1507 and DIN EN 12599
Test object information
Surface area: 121 .2 m²
Airtightness class: B
Rate factor
RF: 9 l/s 1/m²
Adapter type: none
Pressure setting: 100
Test pressure: 99 .3 Pa
Leakage flow rate: 11 .20 l/s
Test duration: 117
Limit for A: 64 .86 l/s
Limit for B: 21 .62 l/s
Limit for C:
7 .20 l/s
Limit for D:
2 .40 l/s
Test object
Test passed
Date: _20 .01 .2012
Time: 14:11 .
• The printout on the left is an automatic test with airtightness class B, which was stopped after 117 s . (The auto-
matic test duration is 300 s)
• The printout on the right is a test in laboratory mode with a variable (non-standard) airtightness class of 8 l/s m²,
printed after an arbitrary test duration .
manual-LTEST-1082_EN-DE-FR-SE.indd 16
• Device information for service .
**** Lindab LT600 ****
Test report ID# 149
DIN EN 12237 compliant leakage test
report for duct system
DIN EN 1507 and DIN EN 12599
Test object information
Surface area: 121 .2 m²
Airtightness class: U
Rate factor
RF: 8 l/s 1/m²
Adapter type: none
Pressure setting: ---
Test pressure: 206 .6 Pa
Leakage flow rate: 15 .65 l/s
Test duration: 0
Limit for A: 104 .44 l/s
Limit for B: 34 .81 l/s
Limit for C: 11 .60 l/s
Limit for D:
Test object
Not passed
Date: _20 .01 .2012
Time: 14 . 1 1 .
Leakage test
Make and model of device
Version 1.0
Firmware version
Consecutive test number
Specified surface area
Selected airtightness class
Leakage flow rate used for analysis
Specified adapter type
Preset pressure (not in laboratory
Mean pressure actually achieved
Actual leakage flow rate in l/s
Test duration (not in laboratory mode)
Permitted leakage flow rates for
the pressure actually achieved – for
information only
Whether the tested system complies
with the airtightness class
3 .86 l/s
Notes on the printout
2012-03-28 12:32:40