In the page "Main Menu" -> "Parameter" -> "Network" display the DVR current network parameters: wait about
ten seconds for assignment and automatic display of network parameters.
If the LAN network doesn't support the DHCP service, in the DVR page "Main Menu" -> "Parameter" ->
"Network" change from DHCP mode to "Static" mode, then manually enter the suitable network parameters:
IP address, Mask, Gateway, DNS.
If the device is used in (XVR) mode and IP channel recording, prevent video loss on the IP channels,
make sure IP cameras have a static IP address configured. The IP Camera Address can be changed
from DHCP to Static using the button
1. Access the OSD "Menu" -> "Parameters" -> "Analogue Channels" page to check the status of the analogue
video input of the device. Only in hybrid mode (XVR) is it possible to enable/disable the analogue video inputs
individually, as illustrated by the image below. For each analogue input disabled, an IP channel is enabled in
addition to those supported by the default settings of the device.
For each analogue video input disabled, the device increases its own input band. For more information
on the maximum band supported, see the instruction manual on the Urmet web site. To download the
Manual from the Site, see the QR code on the Addendum sheet.
(see next steps).