Attach handle
Install the custom hardware handle(s) on the front of the wooden
panel inside dotted line.
IMPORTANT: If the handle is attached from the back of the
custom panel, the screw holes should be countersunk for the
screw heads to be flush with the panel. If the handle is attached
to the front of the custom panel, the screw lengths cannot
exceed the panel thickness.
Predrill custom panel holes
NOTE: Do not drill deeper then 5/8" (16 mm) to keep from
drilling through panel. Pilot hole depths given are for
3/4" (19 mm) thick panel.
Mark 4 pilot holes on the wooden panel using the template
provided. Pre-drill 4 pilot holes using a 3/32" drill bit. Use
tape to mark the drill bit to gauge hole depth. Drill pilot holes
approximately 5/8" (16 mm) into the custom panel.
NOTE: If re-using a custom panel from a previous dishwasher,
first check to make sure the overall size of the panel will work
for the new application. Remove the panel from the previous
product. Lay the drilling template on the new holes and ensure
the holes are in the correct location. Drill the holes per the
template as needed.
6" (152.4 mm)
(16 mm)
Panel template
Wood Panel Template
Center Line
Using the template provided, attach it to the backside of the
custom panel with tape. Make sure that the center of the
template is aligned with the center of the wooden panel and top
of the template is aligned to the top face of the wooden panel.
Attach plastic studs
Plastic studs attached
with 4 short screws
Visible side
Attach the 4 plastic studs to the wooden panel using the four
5/16" hex-head (short) screws provided.
Top of panel