2. The next window shows the user name you entered during registration. If you have
a password, enter it here. We recommend that you discontinue this process if you
do not have a password yet. Continue only once you have set up a password in
system control under user accounts. The option to restore a user from a backed-up
user profile is not relevant to the first-time setup, but only once the notebook has
been set to delivery state and you want to use the profile originally created.
3. If you have a password, continue with the setup. Follow further instructions on
your screen.
Additional functions
1. Open the Omnipass Control Center
disable pre-boot authentication.
2. Check „Enable System Boot Authentication" and remove for added security the
option „Enable Single Touch Boot feature".
3. Click on Next and assign a password. Confirm it and click Next.
After the system reboot, either your fingerprint or the recently created password is
queried before the operating system can be launched.
Fast user switching
1. If you have created two or more user accounts, the respective users can log on
using their fingerprints.
2. Open the Omnipass Control Center
Modify Windows Fast User Switching option
Switching and save all changes.
Change Your System Settings
Change Your System Settings
Securing the Notebook
Enable or
Enable Windows Fast User