Changing the transmission/reception channels
If several computers with remote controls are set up in close proximity of each other
(approx. 10 metres), this can lead to disturbance. This can be remedied by choosing
different channels. Only reset the remote control in case of disturbances. Proceed
as follows:
1. Start the Control Panel.
2. Choose the menu item Wireless Remote Settings.
3. Check the option "Use Wireless Remote Settings with the remote set to
this channel".
4. Select the new channel (a number between 1 and 16) and confirm your setting
with the Apply button.
5. Press and hold the Clear button on the remote.
6. Now enter the channel already set in the software by means of the numeric key pad
of your remote, without releasing the Clear button.
7. Press the OK button. Do not release the Clear button until then.
8. Press any button on your remote to see the current code.
9. Confirm your settings by using the OK button of the Wireless Remote Settings
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Audio or video recordings need a great deal of memory (between 1 and 2
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DVD/CD-Rs or hard drives.
The Remote Control (optional)