1. Screw a vacuum-resistant suction hose airtight onto the 6. Switching on pump 4000/5: Lift and hold the delivery hose connector on the suction side of the pump at least 1 m vertically above the pump, press the On/Off 2.
Additional electrical switching devices (e. g. remote control Special mode: 6. Maintenance systems, pressure switches) can be used only in the special mode. Activating the special mode: DANGER! Electric shock! 1. When switching on, press the On/Off button for 8 seconds. ß...
1 m vertically above the For any other malfunctions please contact the GARDENA service department. pump, until the suction Repairs must only be carried out by GARDENA service departments or specialist action has taken place. dealers authorised by GARDENA. Absolutely vacuum-resistant connection is achieved by using GARDENA Suction Hoses (see point “8.
Length 0.5 m. Hose With 33.3 mm (G1) female thread at both ends. GARDENA Remote Control Set For switching the pump on and off at a distance. Art. no. 7680 (In the case of Art. No. 1734 / 1736 the special mode has to be activated for this purpose).
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Pumpen-Kennlinien Performance characteristics Courbes de performance Prestatiegrafiek Kapacitetskurva Ydelses karakteristika Pumpun ominaiskäyrä Pumpekarakteristikk Curva di rendimento Curva característica de la bomba Características de performance Charakterystyka pompy 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 l/h Szivattyú-jelleggörbe Charakteristika čerpadla Charakteristiky čerpadla Характеристика...
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GARDENA parts or alkatrész kicserélésénél nem a mi eredeti GARDENA alkatrészeinket vagy általunk engedélyezett alkatrészeket parts approved by us, and, if the repairs were not carried out by a GARDENA Service Centre or an authorised használtak fel és a javítást nem a GARDENA szerviz vagy egy erre felhatalmazott szakember végezte.
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Обозначение на уредите: Градинска помпа cables dans le cadre de l’Union européenne. Toute modification Trokšņu jaudas līmenis: izmērītais / garantētais portée sur ce produit sans l’accord express de GARDENA supprime Seadmete nimetus: Aiapump EU-Vyhlásenie o zhode 1732 80 dB (A) / 82 dB (A) la validité...
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GARDENA Canada Ltd. Husqvarna 03-371 Warszawa Turkey 100 Summerlea Road Magyarorsz‡g Kft. Phone: (+48) 22 330 96 00 GARDENA Dost Dí∫ Ticaret Brampton, Ontario L6T 4X3 Ezred u. 1 Ð 3 gardena@gardena.pl Mümessillik A.ª. Phone: (+1) 905 792 93 30 1044 Budapest Sanayi Çad.