4.2. Adjustment (see 'Quickguide', B, C and D)
In this menu, you can:
Set the daylight factor:
The daylight factor is the relation between the actual daylight level (lx ind) in a zone and the
daylight level measured by the light sensor. The parameters for the daylight factor should be
measured at a moment of the day when there is sufficient daylight and there is NO influence of
artificial light. Parameters:
- Range: standard 30-30klx
- Lx ind X: Insert the daylight level you measure by a lux meter in the different zones (1, 2, 3).
Preferably measure the daylight level at table height.
- Sensor: Insert the daylight level the sensor (placed by the window) measures. The displayed sensor
value is a snapshot of the actual sensor value at the moment you opened this sub menu.
Adjust CH X:
In these 3 sub menus, you can set the parameters per channel (CH).
- Setp X (fig.5): Setpoint. This is the min. light level that is actually required in a zone zone (1,
2, 3). If there is insufficient daylight, the lighting is switched on and is dimmed to the desired
light level.
- Hysteresis X (fig.5): positive hysteresis (Y%)
A positive hysteresis makes sure the lighting in a zone is only switched off at a higher level of
daylight. This prevents the lighting from being constantly switched on and off when the level
of daylight has a value around setpoint.
Adjustable between: 10 - 80%; standard 70%.
- Tin X (fig.5): The lighting in a zone is actually switched on if the level of daylight stays below
the set value for longer than or equally long as Tin.
Adjustable between: 0 – 60s; standard 5s.
- Tout X (fig.5): The lighting in a zone is switched off if the daylight level stays above the set
value and hysteresis for longer than or equally long as Tout.
Adjustable between: 0-60min; standard 5min.