Check the correct system assembly by opening and closing the visor. Check that both visors
are correctly fastened and do not move.
If the inner visor is not tightly fixed to the visor, move the external adjustment levers simul-
taneously upwards to increase the stretch. This operation must be carried out gradually
(Fig. 5). The maximum stretch is achieved when the external pin adjustment levers are
turned outwards.
The presence of dust between the two visors may produce scratches on both surfaces.
Scratched visors and inner visors may cause reduced visibility and must therefore be
Regularly check the correct stretching of the inner visor to prevent the same from moving and
scratching both surfaces.
If the helmet visor fogs up and/or condensation forms between the visors, check both for
system correct assembly and stretching.
An excessive and early stretch of the inner visor may result in excessive adherence against
visor surface and/or permanent deformations with subsequent inability to perform following
adjustments correctly.
The extended use under special weather conditions may reduce system performance and
result in partial fogging and problems of condensation on the inner visor. In this case, remove
the inner visor from the helmet visor and dry it with dry and lukewarm air.
Intense sweating /breathing, the use under particular weather conditions (low temperatures,
and/or high humidity and/or sudden changes in temperature or heavy rain) and intense and
prolonged use may affect the performance of the system and cause the fogging or formation
of condensation on the inner visor.
In such cases, after using the helmet and to restore the system efficiency, remove the inner
visor from the helmet visor and let it dry with dry and lukewarm air. The same procedure must
be applied to the helmet, in order to dry out humidity in case it has formed up as a conse-
quence of the conditions described above.
2.2.1 Remove the visor equipped with inner visor.
2.2.2 Widen the visor and release the inner visor from the pins (Fig. 4).
2.2.3 Release the visor.
Remove the inner visor from the visor. Using a damp and soft cloth, gently clean it with neu-
tral liquid soap. Remove the soap under running water. Dry the inner visor with dry and luke-
warm air without wiping it. To keep the features of the inner visor in good conditions over
time, let the helmet dry in a ventilated and dry place with the visor open after use.
Keep it away from heat sources and store it in a place away from direct light. Do not use sol-
vents or chemical products.