Helicopter will not lift off
The helicopter tail spins out
of control
The helicopter wobbles
in fl ight
Possible Cause
Main rotor head is not spinning in the correct
Transmitter settings are not correct
Flight battery has low voltage
Main rotor blades are installed backwards
Rudder control and/or sensor direction
Tail servo is damaged
Inadequate control arm throw
Tail belt is too loose
Cyclic gain is too high
Headspeed is too low
Dampers are worn
Make sure the main rotor head is spinning clockwise.
Refer to the motor control test
Check throttle and pitch curve settings and pitch control
Fully charge the fl ight battery
Install the main rotor blades with the thicker side as the
leading edge
Make sure the rudder control and the rudder sensor are
operating in the correct direction
Check the rudder servo for damage and replace if
Check the rudder control arm for adequate travel and
adjust if necessary
Make sure the tail drive belt tension is adjusted correctly
Decrease Dial 1 on the AR7210BX
Increase the helicopter's head speed via your transmit-
ter settings and/or using a freshly charged fl ight pack
Replace the main rotor head dampers