3. Start with the basic jumps and jumping positions and do not go any further before you have
mastered these.
4. Build up your jumping time gradually and stop jumping when you are tired.
5. Avoid jumping too long and too high.
6. Never jump from the BERG trampoline onto the ground or vice versa, but climb up and
7. Do not sit or stand on the springs and never jump on the springs.
8. Stop jumping by bending your knees as soon as your feet touch the canvas.
The following exercises will help you learn the basic trampoline jumping exercises.
BASIC JUMP (figure 1)
• Stand up and keep your head straight.
• Keep your eyes fixed on the canvas.
• Throw your arms forward and upward, making a circular movement.
• Keep your feet close together and point your toes downwards when you jump.
• At the moment of lift-off, move your feet about 40 cm apart.
• Start off with the basic jump.
• Keep your eyes on the canvas.
• Land on your knees.
• Keep your back straight.
• Stand up again.
• Start off with the basic jump.
• Keep your eyes on the canvas.
• Throw your arms forward and upward, making a circular movement.
• Land on your hands and knees.
• Push with your hands to stand up again.
Figure 1 – Basic jump
Figure 2 – Kneeling jumps
Figure 3 – Jumping on your
hands and knees