Salt Display
The Salt Display shows the current salt concentration of the pool water. Readings are in ppm (parts
per million). Refer to the Water Chemistry section for recommended salt levels as well as how to
add/remove salt.
The factory default display is in English (ppm). If Metric units (grams per liter) are preferred, push the
"diagnostic" button next to the display once. The display will now show the pool water temperature
in degrees Fahrenheit. With the temperature displayed, move the main switch from AUTO to SUPER
CHLORINATE to AUTO. The temperature display will instantly change to degrees Celsius and the
salt display will switch to grams/liter. Repeat this process to switch back to English units (ppm and
By understanding how the Aqua Trol operates, you'll be sure to use it more effectively for maximum
convenience and performance. Assuming that the water chemical levels are in the recommended
range, there are three factors that you can control which directly contribute to the amount of chlorine
the Aqua Trol will generate:
filter time each day (hours)
the amount of salt in the pool
the "Desired Output %" setting
To find the optimum "Desired Output %" setting, start at a fairly high setting and work downward. It
will take a few days of adjustments to find the ideal setting for your pool/spa. Once determined, it
should only take minor adjustments, if at all, to compensate for differing salt levels due to splashing,
backwashing, rain, etc. Because the production of chlorine is affected by water temperature, it is
important to check chlorine levels during periods of unusually high or low pool water temperatures.
The Aqua Trol control will not produce chlorine at temperatures below 50º F. If your pool will be below
this temperature for any length of time, you must chlorinate manually.
NOTE: After the ideal "Desired Output %" setting has been found, you may need to raise the setting
when the pool water temperature increases significantly, when there is higher than normal bather
load or when your chlorinator cell ages. You may need to lower the setting when the pool water
temperature decreases significantly or there are long periods of inactivity.
Maintaining the Aqua Trol System
To maintain maximum performance, it is recommended that you open and visually inspect the cell
every 3 months or after cleaning your filter. The Aqua Trol will remind you to do this by flashing the
"Inspect Cell" LED after approximately 500 hours of operation. After you inspect the cell (and clean,
if necessary) press the small "diagnostic" button next to the display for 3 seconds to stop the flashing
"Inspect Cell" LED and start the timer for the next 500 hour inspection period.
The Aqua Trol electrolytic cell has a self cleaning feature incorporated into the electronic control's
logic. In most cases this self cleaning action will keep the cell working at optimum efficiency. In
areas where water is hard (high mineral content) and in pools where the water chemistry has been
allowed to get "out of balance", the cell may require periodic cleaning. The "Inspect Cell" LED will
indicate if cell efficiency is decreased and servicing is necessary. If the "Inspect Cell" LED remains
on after a thorough cleaning, the cell may be worn and require replacement.