Chloride Active
equipment and remote battery supplies not having a grounded supply circuit).
The UPS does not require maintenance by the user; however, battery maintenance is recommended
in accordance with IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing and Replacement of Valve-
Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) batteries for Stationary Applications (IEEE Std 1188-1996). When the
batteries expire, trained battery service personnel must replace them. A certifi ed disposal/recycling
company should carry out disposal/recycling of the UPS and/or batteries. Exhausted rechargeable batteries
are classifi ed as "harmful toxic waste" and as such the law demands that they be disposed of/recycled by
an authorized recycling center.
The manufacturer's service center is fully equipped to deal with such batteries, in accordance with the law
and with the greatest respect for the environment. Contact your customer service representative to arrange
for maintenance and/or battery replacement.
The typical battery life cycle is 3 to 5 years, at an ambient temperature of 25ºC. However, battery life is also
dependant on the frequency and duration of mains failures or battery discharge cycles.
The BATTERY TEST (see section 6.3 "Battery Testing") should be carried out periodically (6 to 12 months)
in order to ascertain the general conditions of the batteries.
To replace internal batteries, place the UPS manually in bypass mode (see "Forced Bypass Procedure" on
section 4.4.4) and follow the steps illustrated in the next fi gures:
Tower models
1/1.5kVA rack/tower models
2/3kVA rack/tower models