Chloride Active
5 Communication Interfaces
The UPS is equipped with a serial interface (RS232 and USB ports) and a communication interface slot.
These interfaces can be used for:
- Direct communication between UPS and workstation/server
- Integration of the UPS as client into a network with centralized monitoring via a ManageUPS SNMP
adapter in the interface slot
- Transfer of operational states to external alarm systems via volt-free contacts (with interface volt-free
contact card, available as accessory, in the interface slot).
The necessary communication software packages and interface cables and cards are either bundled with
the unit or available as accessories.
5.1 Serial Interface
Two serial interfaces are available: DB9 port (RS232) and USB port.
NOTE: both ports cannot be used at the same time.
5.2 DB9 port
The 9-pole SUB-D connector (pin contacts) contains RS232 compatible signals.
NOTE: this interface is electrically isolated from all other circuits.
Apart from the RS232 interface, fi ve opto-coupled alarm signals are available as open-collector outputs. Pin
distribution is as follows (see previous fi gure):
- SGN at pin 5: this connection point serves as a reference for all signals
- RxD at pin 3 and TxD at pin 2: correspond to the normal assignment of an RS232 interface
- BATTERY LOW at pin 1: this output is active when the battery capacity is below the pre-alarm level