1.1 Acoustic Alarm
1.2 Manual Battery Test
2.1 UPS Status
2.2 Input/Output Status
3.1 Language
3.2 Output Voltage
Displays the last fi ve events (faults, warnings...) stored by the UPS and the runtime when they happened. These
Displays power rating, serial number of the UPS, fi rmware version and current unit runtime
6.1 Frequency Converter
6.2 Output Frequency
6.3 Manual Bypass
6.4 Controllable Outlet 1 Manual
6.5 Controllable Outlet 2 Manual
6.6 Controllable Outlet 1 Level
6.7 Controllable Outlet 2 Level
6.8 Cold Start
6.9 Auto Re-Start
6.10 ECO Mode
6.11 Site Wiring Fault
6.12 Automatic Battery Test
6.13 External Battery Capacity
6.14 External Charger Selection
6.15 Pre-alarm Level Selection
6.16 Protocol selection
Menu 6 includes options for advanced user and, consequently, access to this menu is protected with a password
(a certain combination of keys).
When this menu is selected, you will be asked to press the code keys (PRESS CODE KEYS (CHECK U.
MANUAL)). Correct code keys combination is:
Press ESC button and release it - press scroll-down button and release it - press ENTER button and release it.
If this sequence and combination of keys is followed, access to the menu will be granted and the display will
show ACCESS GRANTED ATTENTION! If not, an error message will show (ACCESS DENIED WRONG
Activation or deactivation of acoustic alarm (buzzer)
Performs a battery test when this option is selected
Displays global UPS Status (operation mode, faults, warnings...)
Displays input and output values (voltage, frequency, load...)
Language selection (English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, German)
Selects nominal output voltage (200V, 208V, 220V, 230V or 240V)
stored events are explained in section
Enables or disables this operation mode (please check 4.1.5 and 4.4.6 for more details)
Selects nominal output frequency: 50Hz or 60Hz (only frequency converter mode)
Forces the UPS to bypass mode and vice-versa
Switches on/off outlet 1 (1st group of output controllable sockets)
Switches on/off outlet 2 (2nd group of output controllable sockets)
Selects remaining battery capacity level (75%, 50%, 25% or 0%) below which
outlet 1 (1st group of output controllable sockets) automatically switches off
Selects remaining battery capacity level (75%, 50%, 25% or 0%) below which
outlet 2 (2nd group of output controllable sockets) automatically switches off
Enables/disables this functionality (start-up without mains power)
Enables/disables this functionality (automatic start-up after autonomy time has
fi nished and upon mains power comeback)
Enables or disables this operation mode (please check 4.1.4 and 4.4.5 for more details)
Enables/disables this functionality (detection of input phase-neutral inversion)
Sets automatic battery test interval (daily, weekly, monthly...)
Selects external battery capacity (Ah) for special / customized confi gurations,
in steps of 9Ah up to 250Ah (value selected pressing scroll-down button)
Selects the number of external battery chargers (available as accessory for
special / customized confi gurations) connected, from 1 to 3
Selects the remaining battery capacity level (75%, 50%, 25% or 0%) below
which the "Battery Low" signal is activated
Communication protocol selection for particular advanced applications
Chloride Active