The following sections detail the operation of the instrument via both GPIB and ARC. Where
operation is identical no distinction is made between the two. Where difference occur these are
detailed in the appropriate sections or in some cases separate sections for GPIB and ARC. It is
therefore only necessary to read the general sections and those sections specific to the interface
of interest.
Interface Selection
All power supplies in the range are fitted with both an ARC (Addressable RS232 Chain) interface
and a GPIB interface. Before an interface can be used it must be selected and assigned an
address and/or baud rate. To select an interface press the I/F key. The status display will show
may be changed by pressing the UP or DOWN keys. Once the required interface is in the display
press the CONFIRM key to make it active. Pressing the ESCAPE key will exit without making any
Address and Baud Rate Selection
For successful operation each instrument connected to the ARC or GPIB must be assigned a
unique address and, in the case of ARC, all must be set to the same baud rate.
Pressing the BAUD/ADDR key will alternately show baud rate or address if RS232 is selected or
address only if GPIB is selected;the BAUD/ADDR LED will also be on.
To select an alternative baud rate the UP and DOWN keys are used to cycle through all available
values. When the required value is displayed press the CONFIRM key to make it active. Pressing
the ESCAPE key will exit without making any changes. Selectable baud rates are 300, 600, 1200,
2400, 4800 and 9600.
To select an alternative address enter the required number from the numeric key pad. When the
required value is displayed press the CONFIRM key to make it active. Pressing the ESCAPE key
will exit without making any changes. The range of addresses accepted is 0 to 30.
A change of address will become active immediately it is entered from the keyboard and the
device will no longer respond to the previous address.
All device operations are performed through a single primary address, no secondary addressing
is used. The default address, i.e. after a non-volatile ram failure, is 11. When the address is
changed the new setting is stored in non-volatile ram, and will remain unchanged even while
power is off.
The RS232 interface may also be used in a simple non-addressable mode without modification.
Remote/Local Operation
At power-on the instrument will be in the local state with the REMOTE LED off. In this state all
keyboard operations are possible. When the instrument is addressed (to talk or listen) the remote
state will be entered and the REMOTE LED will be turned on. In this state the keyboard is locked
out and remote commands only will be processed. The instrument may be returned to the local
state by pressing the LOCAL key; however, the effect of this action will remain only until the
instrument is addressed again or receives another character from the interface, when the remote
state will once again be entered. The Controller may disable the LOCAL key under GPIB control
by sending a Local Lock Out command (LLO); the instrument keyboard will then remain
inoperative until the Controller sends a Go To Local command (GTL) or sets the REN interface
line false.
if RS232 is currently selected or
Remote Operation
if GPIB is selected. The selected interface