P02.09 - Working frequency of the system.
Auto = automatic selection between 50 and 60 Hz at power
50Hz = fixed at 50 Hz
60 Hz = Fixed to 60 Hz
Variable = measured continuously and adjusted.
P02.10 - Minimum time that must elapse between the disconnection of one step and the subsequent reconnection is that MAN AUT. During this time the
number of the step on the main page is shown in light gray.
P02.11 - Connection sensitivity. This parameter sets the speed of reaction of the controller.
accurate around the setpoint but with more step swithchings). With high values instead we'll have slower reactions of regulation, with fewer switchings
of the steps. The delay time of the reaction is inversely proportional to the request of steps to reach the setpoint: waiting time = (sensitivity / number of
steps required).
Example: setting the sensitivity to 60s, if you request the insertion of one step of weight 1 are expected 60s (60/1 = 60). If instead serve a total of 4
steps will be expected 15s (60/4 = 15).
P02.12 - Disconnection sensitivity. Same as the previous parameter but related to disconnection. If set to OFF the disconnection has the same reaction time of
connection set with the previous parameter.
P02.13-Setpoint (target value) of the power factor. Value In use of standard applications.
P02.14 - P02.15 - Alternative setpoints selectable with combinations of digital inputs programmed with the appropriate function.
P02.16 - Setpoint used when the system is generating active power to the supplier (with negative active power / power factor ).
P02.17 - P02.18 - Tolerance around the setpoint. When the cosphi is within the range delimited by these parameters, in AUT mode the device does not
connect / disconnect steps even if the delta-kvar is greater than the smallest step.
Note: + means "towards inductive", - means "towards capacitive".
P02.19 - If set to ON, when the system is giving active power provider (generation = active power and power factor negative) all steps are disconnected.
P02.20 - Rated current of the system. Value used for the full scale of the bar graphs and for setting the current thresholds expressed as a percentage. If set to
Aut then the value of P02.01 (CT primary) is used.
P02.22 – System voltage type. Depending on the setting of this parameter, the appropriate wiring diagrams must be used. See at the end of the manual.
P02.23 .... P02.27 – Data of VTs eventually used in the wiring diagrams.
P02.28 - Selecting mode of steps insertion
Standard mode - Normal operation with free selection of the steps
Linear mode - the steps are connected in progression from left towards right only following the step number and according to the LIFO (Last In First
Out) logic. The controller will not connect a step when the system steps are of different ratings and by connecting the next step, the set-point value
would be exceeded.
Fast - Normal operation with free selection of the steps
Lin.sing. - As in the linear case, but the steps are connected one at a time.
OFFON – As in the Standard mode but with reduced time spent in capacitive
P02.29 - After having closed one step output, the measure acquisition is suspended for the number of periods (cycles) specified by this parameter, in order to
allow the external static contactor to connect the capacitors. This function allows to avoid regulation oscillations. Set this value according to the
technical characteristics (closing time) declared by the manufacturer of the static contactor.
P02.30 – Enables the setting of the setpoint as Tangent of displacement phase angle (Tanphi) instead of Cosinus (Cosphi). Used as a reference by the energy
suppliers of some european countries.
P02.31 – Value of the Tanphi setpoint. Negative values of Tanphi correspond to capacitive Cosphi..
P02.32 -
Time of switching on / off of the steps: Proport..: As described in parameter P02.11, Fixed: set as the parameters P02.12 and P02.11.
P02.33 - Setpoint used when the system is generating active power to the supplier (with negative active power / negative Tanphi ).
P02.34 –
Correction of the phase angle between voltage and current (current signal in MV and voltage signal in lv).
M03 – STEP (STPn, n=1...32)
Step weight
Step insertion type
Step type
Note: This menu is divided into 32 sections that refer to 32 possible logical steps STP1...STP32, which can be managed by the
P03.n.01 - Weight of step n, referred to the value of the smallest step. A number that indicates the multiple of the power of the current step with reference to
the smallest set by P02.07. If set to OFF the step is disabled and will not be used.
P03.n.02 - Type device delegated the insertion step.
Contactor = Switching with electromechanical contactor. On this step the time of reconnection is used.
Static = Electronic thyristor switching. On this step the time of reconnection is not considered . Used for Fast power factor correction.
P03.n.03 – Step type. L1-L2-L3 three phase step, L1 or L2 or L3 single phase step.
M04 –MASTER OUTPUTS (OUTn, n=1...24)
Output OUTn function
Channel number x
Output normal/reversed
Note: This menu is divided into 24 sections that refer to 16 possible digital outputs OUT1...OUT24, which can be managed by the
master 8BGA; OUT01..OUT08 on the base board and OUT09...OUT24 on any installed expansion modules.
P04.n.1 – Selects the functions of the selected output (see programmable chapter 23. Outputs functions table).
P04.n.2 – Index associated with the function programmed in the previous parameter. Example: if the output function is set to Step x, and you want this output
to be energized when there is the step 10 insertion, then P04.n.02 should be set to value 10 or If the output function is set to Alarm xx, and you want
this output to be energized for alarm A31, then P04.n.02 should be set to value 31.
P04.n.3 - Sets the state of the output when the function associated with the same is inactive: NOR = output de-energized, REV = output energized.
Psw (M15) UoM
but with times to connect / disconnect selected at parameter P02.29.
Psw (M15) UoM
Psw (M15) UoM
Step x
40 / 86
With small values of P02.11 regulation is fast (more
OFF/ 1 – 99
L1 / L2 / L3
Output function table
1 – 99
rev9 jan19