DAB/DAB+ and FM aerial
The Solo is fitted with an FM and a DAB/
Try each usable wall of the room to see
DAB+ receiver module. The type of aerial
which gives best reception and use tacks
you need depends on your listening
or adhesive tape to secure the aerial in a
preferences and the local conditions.
'T' shape, but note that no tacks should
Your Solo is capable of superb radio
come into contact with the internal wire
reception, but only if it is receiving a good
of the aerial.
quality transmission signal.
In weak signal areas, a high-gain,
Try the aerials supplied with your unit.
externally-mounted or roof-mounted
If you are in a medium to strong signal
aerial is desirable in order to receive the
area, these should be adequate for good
highest number of services.
reception. In areas with poor signal
In Band III transmission areas (such as
strength, you may require a roof or loft
the UK), use a multi-element Yagi aerial
mounted aerial.
with the elements mounted vertically,
Contact your local Arcam dealer or aerial
as the transmissions are vertically
installation experts for advice about local
polarised. If you are close to more than
reception conditions.
one transmitter, use an omnidirectional or
In strong signal areas, the DAB/DAB+/FM
folded dipole aerial.
'T' wire aerial supplied can be used with
If the DAB/DAB+ services in your area
reasonable results. Mount the aerial as
are transmitted on L-band, then ask your
high up as possible on a wall.
dealer for advice for the best aerial to use.
In the UK the 'T'-elements need to be
positioned vertically for DAB/DAB+
reception since broadcasts are vertically
polarised. In other localities, check with
your Arcam dealer or try both horizontal
and vertical positions for best reception.
Bluetooth/Wi-Fi antenna
The Solo is supplied with both a Bluetooth
and Wi-Fi antenna.
The two antennae are identical and need
to be inserted into the connectors labelled
BT and WiFi located at the rear of the Solo.