Chemical Descriptions
For use with any "Clear Water Plan"
Oxidizer Shock
Iron Out
Stain And Scale Defense
Ph / Alkalinity Up
Ph / Alkalinity Down
Liquid Hardness Increaser
Spa Brite
Foam Gone
Filter Cartridge Cleaner
Enzyme Formula
For use with the chlorine "Clear Water Plan"
Chlorinating Granules
Test Strips – Chlorine
For use with the bromine "Clear Water Plan"
Test Strips -- Bromine
Go Brom
Brominating Tablets
2011 Portable Spa
LTR20111001, Rev. B
Destroys ammonia, organic contaminants, and odor causing wastes in spa
Helps prevent metals in water from staining spa. Use during start up.
Helps prevent minerals from damaging spa components.
Raises pH and alkalinity levels in spa water.
Raises pH and alkalinity levels in spa water.
Helps reduce foaming and corrosion by increasing hardness levels in spa
Helps to quickly clear up cloudy spa water.
Quickly breaks up existing foam on spa water.
Deep cleans filter cartridge. Dissolves scale and removes imbedded organic
contaminants from filter cartridge fibers.
Biodegrades body oils, suntan lotions, and organic contaminants in spa wa-
ter. Do not on same day as adding Chlorine Granules.
Quick acting sanitizer / disinfectant for spa water.
Provides accurate spa water testing for Bromine, pH, and total Alkalinity.
Provides accurate spa water testing for Bromine, pH, and total Alkalinity.
Establishes a bromide reserve in spa water. Use during start up.
Long lasting sanitizer / disinfectant for spa water. Add to bromine floater.