If the values of systole and diastole fall into two different categories (e.g. systole in the high normal cat-
egory and diastole in the normal category), the graphical classification on the device always shows the
higher category; for the example given this would be high normal.
Blood pressure value category
Level 3: severe hypertension
Level 2: moderate hypertension
Level 1: mild hypertension
High normal
Atrial fibrillation
This device can identify atrial fibrillation when measuring the blood pressure and if necessary, indicates
this after the measurement with the symbol
value may not be correct. Atrial fibrillation is defined by an irregular and oftenrapid heart rate increasing the
risk of strokes, heart failure and other heart-related complications. Atrial fibrillation can only be determined
through an examination by your doctor. If the symbol
has been taken, repeat the measurement. Please ensure that you rest for 5 minutes beforehand and do
not speak or move during the measurement. If the symbol
doctor. Selfdiagnosis and treatment based on the measurements can be dangerous. Always follow your
GPs instructions.
Resting indicator measurement (using HSD diagnostics)
The most frequent error made when measuring blood pressure is taking the measurement when not at
rest (haemodynamic stability), which means that both the systolic and the diastolic blood pressures are
incorrect in this case. While measuring the blood pressure, the device automatically determines whether
you are at rest or not. If there is no indication that the circulatory system is not sufficiently at rest, the
symbol (haemodynamic stability) appears in the display and the measurement can be recorded as a
reliable blood pressure at rest value.
(in mmHg)
(in mmHg)
≥ 180
≥ 110
160 – 179
100 – 109
140 – 159
90 – 99
130 – 139
85 – 89
120 – 129
80 – 84
< 120
< 80
. If you have atrial fibrillation, the displayed blood pressure
is shown on the display after the measurement
Seek medical attention
Seek medical attention
Regular monitoring by doctor
Regular monitoring by doctor
appears frequently, please consult your