AC6000 Website
The AC6000 can be monitored and configured remotely by accessing its IP address via a shared
secure network.
Home Page
The AC6000 home page provides a snapshot of the current status, such as input and output
power. It also provides a log of recent events.
Network Configuration
The Network Configuration page allows the user to view and alter IPv4, IPv6, SNMP and
SMTP settings. The IPv4 and IPv6 tabs provide the system DNS Name, MAC address, static
IP address and more.
The SNMP tab allows the user to set the protocol and password, as well as configure the
SNMP traps.
The SMTP tab allows the user to configure email alerts and security settings.
UPS Configuration
This page allows the user to configure the UPS system, including the following items:
AC line voltage and frequency.
Configure peak shave settings (for units equipped with this feature).
Configure REPO shutdown control
System date and time.
Wake-on-LAN configuration.
Set system username and password.
Set threshold for over-power and over-temperature warnings.
From this page, the user can power the system on and off, clear faults, and schedule a power
System Status
The System Status page displays current voltage, current and temperature data of both the
power electronics and battery. The state-of-charge and available run-time of the battery are
also displayed.
System Information
The System Information page displays information unique to an individual unit, such as serial
number, IP address, and hardware and software revision numbers.