Average result is the result of last 3 measurements. The number in the brackets is the
number of measurements taken until the moment of display.
7. After each measurement, unscrew the chamber cover using socket wrench
(change the position of direction switch), empty and clean the chamber and a
friction disk of the cover with special brush.
8. Thorough cleaning is required after change of tested grain species and for
samples with diversified and increased humidity content.
9. It is required to clean the friction components immediately after finishing the
measurement., when are measured high moisture content.
10. Water lying on the sample surface (e.g. dew) may influence the results, so it is
recommended to avoid such samples and to "air" the tested sample before
1. rape
2. rye
3. durum wheat
4. bread wheat
In case of exceeding lower or upper limit of the measurement range, following
message is displayed, e.g. "< 9.0%" (below) or "> 24.0%" (above), (meaning that the
measurement result exceeded the boundary value for the species stored in the device
In case of significant differences between the moisture meter readings and the oven
method, the Data Modification Mode should be used. Grains may differ according to
country, climate, each year harvest etc. and some changes in grain calibrations may be
necessary to show exact results.
The modification modes allow the user to modify data originally programmed by the
manufacturer for the particular kinds of seed.
This mode should be used when readings in whole measurement range are too high or
too low by the same value. This mode allows the complete grain moisture-curve to be
raised or lowered.
1. Turn on the modification mode by pressing "C" button and turning on the
instrument with "ON/OFF" button.
4% - 20%
9%– 24%
9% - 24%
9% - 24%
5. spring barley
6. triticale
8. oat
7. maize
9% - 24%
9% - 24%
9% - 24%
9% - 40%