1.1 Manufacturer
1.2 Customer service and ordering accessories and spare parts
Contact details for customer service see above. Information on ordering accessories or spare parts can be
found in the chapter Spare Parts and accessories (p.57) and at www.wm-aquatec.de.
1.3 Information on the document
Document description: biolite®_Betriebsanleitung_V03_2020
Stand: July 2020
Creation date: 22.07.2020
1.4 Warranty, limitation of liability
The information contained in this operating manual corresponds to the current status at the time
of publication. They have been carefully checked. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any liability for
All information and instructions for operation and maintenance are given to the best of our knowledge, taking
into account our previous experience and learning. We are liable for any errors or omissions, to the exclusion of
further claims within the scope of the warranty obligations from the purchase contract.
Claims for damages, irrespective of the legal basis on which such claims are derived, are excluded. It is recom-
mended to contact your specialist dealer/workshop or directely WM aquatec GmbH & Co. KG in the event of any
uncertainties or specific questions regarding installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance etc.
1.4.1 Repairs/damage
Repairs to the product must be carried out exclusively by the manufacturer.
Therefore, do not make any changes or additions to the product.
Opening the housing voids all warranty and guarantee claims.
In case of damage, the biolite® must be disassembled and returned to the manufacturer.
WM aquatec GmbH & Co. KG
Uracher Straße 22
D-73268 Erkenbrechtsweiler
+49 (0) 7026 / 93 210 90
+49 (0) 7026 / 93 210 98
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