TOF and TOF s Alarm
TOF and TOF s alarm function.
The programmed TOF alarms can be silenced or activated by using this button.
The settings of the 2 TOF alarms (low and high) can be adjusted in the set-up
menu (see Set-up menu on page 16).
TOF alarm active
Set-up menu
The set-up menu can be activated and manipulated using the buttons described below:
mA (µC) up (21) and down buttons (23)
Press both mA (µC) up (21) and down (23) simultaneously to enter the set-up
(µ (
menu or to store the setting.
The set-up mode can only be accessed when the TOF-Watch is stopped i.e. the
symbol is shown in the display.
The setting is permanently stored in the TOF-Watch, even when the battery is
Press either mA (µC) up (21) or down (23) one at a time to modify the setting
of the parameter.
Calibration button (22)
Press the CAL button
To go back to the previous parameters press
16 | TOF-Watch SX Operator manual 33.512/A
TOF alarm silenced
(22) to go to next parameter to be modified.
first press
(4) and then