V 2.0
1. If an automatic oiler is not used, add a few drops of Pneumatic Tool Oil to the airline connection before use.
Add a few drops more after each hour of continual use.
2. IMPORTANT: Before first use, it is recommended to test the Shear on scrap material to determine the cutting
capacity of the Blades (55, 54, 56).
3. Connect the air supply hose to the Shear. Turn on the compressor, and set its regulator to the recommended
120 PSI for the Shear.
4. In order to keep the air supply hose out of the way, hang it over your shoulder.
5. Make sure to hold the Shear with both hands safely away from the Blades (55, 54, 56). (See Figure A.)
6. Place the Center Blade (54) underneath the lip of the work piece. Make sure the Left Blade (55) and Right
Blade (56) are above the lip of the work piece. (See Figure A.)
7. Squeeze the Trigger (4) and allow the Blades (55, 54, 56) to move at their fullest speed. Then move the Blades
slowly along the cut line of the work piece. Either cut completely through the work piece or pull the Shear
back through the cut portion of the work piece before releasing the Trigger. This will help keep the Blades from
getting caught in the work piece. (See Figure A.)
8. If the tool requires more force to accomplish the task, verify that the tool receives sufficient, unobstructed
airflow (4 CFM).
CAUTION! To prevent tool failure, resulting in injury: Do not exceed the tool's maximum air pressure rating
(120 PSI). If the tool still does not have sufficient force at maximum pressure and sufficient airflow, then a larger
tool may be required.
9. To prevent accidents, turn off the Shear, detach the air supply, safely discharge any residual air pressure in the
tool, and release the Trigger (4) after use. Clean external surfaces of the tool with clean, dry cloth, and apply a
thin coat of tool oil. Then store the tool indoors out of children's reach.
1. Daily - Air Supply Maintenance: Every day, perform maintenance on the air supply according to the component
manufacturers' instructions. The lubricator's oil level needs to be maintained and the moisture filter must be
regularly drained. Performing routine maintenance on the air supply will allow the tool to operate more safely
and will also reduce wear on the tool.
2. Quarterly (every 3 months) - Tool Disassembly, Cleaning, and Inspection: Have the internal mechanism cleaned,
inspected, and lubricated by a qualified technician.
For technical questions call: 1-800-665-8685
Air Shear