• Place the strap of the abduction cushion around your waist and close it. Adjust the strap to the
desired length 5.
• Attach the ball for hand positioning and training to the long side of the abduction cushion 6.
N o T E S F o r T H E o r T H o Pa E d I C T E C H N I C I a N
• If the length is too long, the straps can be shortened.To do this, first remove the tab at the end of the
shoulder strap and/or the abdominal strap 7A.
• Cut the straps to the desired length with scissors 7B. Then place the straps as described above.
I M P o r Ta N T I N F o r M aT I o N
• Essentially, the indication for and duration of wearing of any orthopaedic device in general, as well
as the presence of any of the conditions below in particular, should be discussed with the doctor
who is in charge of your treatment.
• Check the functioning of the product with your doctor or specialist retailer.
• The product is designed to treat one patient.
• Do not wear the product directly against open wounds.
• In order for the product to have a long service life and function, it may not be worn in conjunction
with oily/greasy or acidic products, ointments or lotions.
• The product can come into contact with splash water.
• Please always close any Velcro fasteners present properly. Damage caused by improper closing of
the Velcro fasteners does not constitute a reason for complaint.
• In the event of serious incidents when using this aid, immediately contact your doctor, your health
care supply retailer or contact SPORLASTIC directly at info@sporlastic.de to report the incident.
• Any improper modifications to the product and/or improper use of the above-mentioned product
exclude any product liability on the part of the manufacturer.
• Possible health-related mutual risks or other disadvantages with certain treatments that may arise
in association with the use of the product must be discussed with the doctor in charge of treatment.
Please return the packaging and the product to the local recycling collection system. Please comply
with local regulations.
SPORLASTIC GmbH is affiliated with a returns system for packaging and therefore fully
complies with the packaging legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany.
C a r E
We recommend washing OMO-HiT ® ABDUCTION gently in lukewarm water (30°C) with mild detergent,
rinse thoroughly and air dry. Do not dry the product in the tumble dryer, on the heating or in the micro-
wave. The abduction pad can be wiped with a damp cloth. It must not be immersed in liquids.
T r a N S P o r T a N d S T o r a G E C o N d I T I o N S
Please ensure that the product is stored in a dry place and is protected against moisture and sunlight.
Store the product at a normal temperature and humidity.
Q U a L I T Y M a N a G E M E N T S Y S T E M
All products from SPORLASTIC GmbH are subject to product inspection as part of our quality manage-
ment system. If you still have any complaints about our product, we kindly ask that you contact your
specialist retailer.
An online version of the instructions for use can be found on our website at www.sporlastic.de.
moD e D' e m pl oI F r
U S a G E P r É V U
OMO-HiT ® ABDUCTION est une orthèse de l'articulation de l'épaule pour l'immobilisation ou
l'immobilisation et le soulagement de l'articulation de l'épaule, par laquelle le bras est amené dans
une position d'abduction requise dans l'articulation de l'épaule.
I N d I C aT I o N S
• Bursite sous-acromiale / empiètement
• Mobilisation après une épaule gelée
• Pré- et postopératoire après un traumatisme et/ou une prothèse articulaire
• Pour le traitement conservateur des blessures de l'appareil épaule-bras, en particulier aussi pour
les blessures/ruptures de la coiffe des rotateurs
• Toutes les affections nécessitant une fixation du bras en position d'abduction
• Modifications cutanées allergiques, inflammatoires ou liées à une blessure (par exemple, gonfle-
ment, rougeur) des zones du corps à approvisionner.
• Troubles de la circulation ou gonflement des tissus mous lymphatiques.
• Troubles neurogènes du système sensoriel et trophisme cutané dans la zone corporelle à traiter
(troubles sensoriels avec ou sans atteinte cutanée).
Dans le cadre d'une utilisation appropriée et d'une mise en place correcte, jusqu'à aujourd'hui, aucun
effet secondaire général, aucune intolérance entraînant des conséquences importantes ou réaction
allergique ne sont connues.
Le groupe cible est constitué de tous les patients, en tenant compte des indications et des contre-