Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles

c) Installation and assembly
• The outdoor sensor can be mounted on the wall through its rear opening using a nail, screw or hook. A
small fold-out base also allows installation on a level surface.
The outdoor sensor is suitable for use in protected outdoor areas. It should be placed so that it is not
exposed to direct sunlight, since this can result in a false temperature reading. Precipitation falling on the
outdoor sensor will also lead to a false temperature reading, since this cools the housing.
Therefore, we recommend choosing the installation place carefully, so the outdoor sensor measures the
correct temperature.
Never dip the outdoor sensor in or under water; this may destroy it!
• The base station can be mounted on the wall through its rear opening using a nail, screw or hook.
Using a fold-out base, the base station can be placed on a fl at, stable surface. Protect valuable furniture
surfaces by using a suitable mat to prevent scratches.
Manual Search for Outdoor Sensors
• Press the "IN/OUT/SEARCH" button briefl y as many times as possible until the upper left "OUT" is dis-
• Hold down the "IN/OUT/SEARCH" button for about 3 seconds until a beep can be heard. Then the display
for temperature / air humidity and the reception symbol fl ash (top centre of the display). The base station
searches for the outdoor sensor the next 3 minutes.
• Do not press any button during the sensor search.
• In case of reception problems, reduce the distance between the outdoor sensor and the base station or
select a different installation location.
Switching between temperature units °C/°F
• Briefl y press the button "F°C/°F" on the base station in order to toggle between the units of temperature,
namely °C (degree Celsius) and °F (degree Fahrenheit).
• If the unit of temperature in the display of the outdoor sensor is to be changed, open the battery compart-
ment of the outdoor sensor and briefl y press the "°C/°F" button located there.
Viewing data from indoor / outdoor sensor
By pressing the "IN/OUT/SEARCH" button you can toggle between the following displays:
• Indoor temperature / air humidity ("IN" is shown at the top left of the display)
• Outdoor temperature / air humidity ("OUT" is shown at top left of the display)
• Automatically changing display (the "
Alarm functions
The base station allows sending an alarm signal when the temperature or air humidity limit is exceeded or
undershot (can be separately set for indoor temperature / indoor air humidity and/or outdoor temperature /
outdoor air humidity).
Switching alarm on/off
• First select the indoor sensor ("IN" is shown at the top left of the display) or the outdoor sensor ("OUT" is
shown) by repeatedly pressing the "IN/OUT/SEARCH" button.
• Repeatedly press and release the "ALERT" button to turn the alarm for temperature and/or air humidity on
or off.
When the alarm is turned on, the "
" symbol appears on the display area of the temperature or air humidity.
Setting limits
The automatic change of display ("
• Hold down the "ALERT" button for 3 seconds until a beep can be heard. Then release the button. The
temperature and the "
" symbol fl ashes on the display.
• Toggle between the indoor sensor ("IN" will fl ash on the top left of the display) or the outdoor sensor ("OUT"
will fl ash on the top left of the display) by pressing the "S" or "F" button.
The following settings for the limits then apply to the sensor selected here (note "IN" or "OUT" on
the top left of the display!).
• Briefl y press the "ALERT" button, then the upper limit of the temperature and the symbol "
it using the "S" or "F" button (hold longer for quick adjustment).
• Briefl y press the "ALERT" button, then the lower limit of the temperature and the symbol "
using the "S" or "F" button.
• Briefl y press the "ALERT" button, then the upper limit of the air humidity and the symbol "
using the "S" or "F" button.
• Briefl y press the "ALERT" button, then the lower limit of the air humidity and the symbol "
using the "S" or "F" button.
• Briefl y press the "ALERT" button to exit the setting mode.
Stopping alarm signal
• If the limit is exceeded, then the weather station sends an alarm for 2 minutes. Moreover, the correspond-
ing symbol "
" or "
" will fl ash on the relevant display of the indoor temperature, outdoor temperature,
indoor humidity and outdoor humidity.
• The alarm can be terminated prematurely by pressing any button.
The corresponding symbol will stop fl ashing only after the respective measured value is within
the set limits again.
Comfort indicator
The comfort indicator displays the condition of the indoor air at a glance. According to the indoor temperature
and air humidity at the installation location of the base station, it is determined whether the indoor air condi-
tion is optimum (display "Comfort!") or the room temperature is too hot (display "Hot ...." or "Very Hot!") or
too cold (display "Cold ....").
" symbol is also shown at the top left)
" symbol on the display) must not be switched on!
MIN/MAX values
The base station always displays the MIN/MAX values of the last 24 hours; manual deletion is not possible.
Warning of glaze ice or frost
If the outside temperature is in the range of -2 °C to +3 °C, a snowfl ake symbol "
of the outdoor temperature. This symbol warns of glaze and black ice.
The transmission range of the radio signals between the outdoor sensor and the base station is up to 30 m
under optimum conditions.
This transmission range data refers to the so-called "free-fi eld range". However, this ideal
arrangement (e.g. base station and outdoor sensor on a plain, even meadow without trees,
houses etc.) never exists in practice.
Due to the different infl uences on the radio transmission, no specifi c range can be guaranteed. However,
trouble-free operation is usually possible in a single family house.
The range can be signifi cantly reduced by proximity to cables, pipes, metal pieces, electronic devices, and
similar. Thick walls, steel construction, laminated insulation glass windows, etc., also reduce the range very
signifi cantly.
If you notice that the base station does not contain any measured values of the outdoor sensor, check the
condition of the batteries in the outdoor sensor fi rst. Following that, select another location for the base sta-
tion and the outdoor sensor. If required, perform a manual search for the outdoor sensor (see the "Manual
search for the outdoor sensor" chapter).
a) General instructions
Dispose of unserviceable products in accordance with the relevant statutory regulations.
Remove any battery/rechargeable batteries inserted and dispose of them separately from the
b) Disposal of used batteries/rechargeable batteries
As the end user, you are required by law (Battery Ordinance) to return all used batteries/rechargeable bat-
teries; disposal of them in the household waste is prohibited!
Batteries/rechargeable batteries that contain hazardous materials are labelled with the follow-
ing symbols to indicate that disposal in the household waste is forbidden. The symbols of the
relevant heavy metals are: Cd = Cadmium, Hg = Mercury, Pb = Lead.
You can return your used batteries/rechargeable batteries free of charge at the offi cial collection points of
your community, in our stores, or at places where batteries or rechargeable batteries are sold!
By doing this, you fulfi l your statutory obligations and contribute to the protection of the environment!
Declaration of Conformity (DOC)
We, Conrad Electronic, Klaus-Conrad-Straße 1, D-92240 Hirschau, hereby declare that this product con-
forms to the fundamental requirements and the other relevant regulations of the directive 1999/5/EC.
The Declaration of Conformity (DOC) for this product can be found at

Technical Data

a) Base station
Power supply ........................................2 batteries of type AAA/Micro
Temperature range ...............................-10 °C to +50 °C
Resolution .....................................0.1 °C
Accuracy ........................................±1 °C (in the range of 0 °C to +40 °C)
Air humidity measurement range ..........20% to 99% relative air humidity
Resolution .....................................1%
Accuracy ........................................±7%
" fl ash; set
Dimensions ...........................................136 x 82 x 16 mm (W x H x D)
Weight ..................................................approx. 100 g
" fl ash; set it
b) Outdoor sensor
" fl ash; set it
Power supply ........................................2 batteries of type AAA/Micro
" fl ash; set it
Transmission frequency........................433 MHz
Transmission range ..............................max. up to 30 m (see chapter "Range")
Measurement interval ...........................approx. 1 minute
Temperature range ...............................-20 °C to +50 °C
Resolution .....................................0.1 °C
Accuracy ........................................±1 °C (in the range of 0 °C to +40 °C)
Air humidity measurement range ..........20% to 99% relative air humidity
Resolution .....................................1%
Accuracy ........................................±7%
Dimensions ...........................................62 x 101 x 24 mm (W x H x D)
Weight ..................................................approx. 65 g
These operating instructions are a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1,
D-92240 Hirschau (
All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, microfi lming,
or the capture in electronic data processing systems require the prior written approval by the editor.
Reprinting, also in part, is prohibited.
These operating instructions represent the technical status at the time of printing. Changes in
technology and equipment reserved.
© Copyright 2013 by Conrad Electronic SE.
" is displayed to the left


Table des Matières

Table des Matières