After the device is connected to power, the blue and red LED
will flash and the buzzer will buzz simultaneously for a short
period. After this period, the blue LED will start to shine con-
tinuously which indicates that Inokey is ready to be used. If
power save mode is on, blue LED shines only 15 s after press-
ing any button and 15 s after each operation is completed.
This also indicates that the device is in freescan mode (is wait-
ing for a fingerprint). After performing any of the functions it
also returns to the freescan mode. If device is in sleep mode
(power save mode), all functions and LEDs are switched off.
Device can be activated with pressing on any button for 1 s.
When fingerprint data base is empty, anyone can enrol fin-
gers, so it is recommended that first three administrative
fingers are enrolled immediately!
The capacitive area sensor used in the Inokey enables ex-
cellent fingerprint scanning in any conditions and simulta-
neously minimizes chances of misuse. Nevertheless, every
technology needs to be used according to its specifications,
so the correct usage of the capacitive area sensor is described
in the following section. With a little practice, users will quick-
ly learn to use it correctly. Most of competitive products are
using swipe capacitive sensors. Big advantage of capacitive
area sensor is, that users don't need to learn how to swipe.
Finger should be simply touched to the sensor. The only thing
that a user should take care of, is that finger is not pressed
too hard or too soft, so the area of finger touching the sensor
is big enough and centered, like it is shown on the picture.
Also when finger is being scanned it should not move. It is rec-
ommended to enrol at least 2 fingers from each hand, so that
in case of injury user can still open the door with the finger
which is not injured.
During enrolment procedure, finger must be pressed 3 times
to the sensor in order to get 3 different images. Each time fin-
ger must be pressed for 2 s, after each successful image enrol
short buzz will be heard, wait for the buzz before pressing the
finger again. Replace finger with small variations and do not
leave the finger at the same position (pic. 1).
Use same finger for all 3 attempts. Fingerprint core should be
placed at the centre of the sensor (fingerprint core has max.
Biodata info, pic. 2). If image enrol is not successful (finger was
pressed too hard/too soft or sensor area coverage is too small)
red LED will flash one time for 1 s. Small variations in finger
positionwill decrease the possibility of recognition failure.
It is very important to make a good enrolment and to store
the finger in high quality!
It is necessary to perform a good scan when finger is being en-
rolled. This enables the device to get the best image possible
and, in doing so, drastically reduces the possibility of subse-
quent unsuccessful identification. It can happen that finger