This de ice is certi ed in accordance ith Di X® Home Theater Version 3 0
Di X® is a digital ideo format hich has been de eloped by Di X, Inc to pro ide a
high-quality ie ing e perience on arious platforms, for e ample, on mobile phones
and DVD players Di X®, Di X Certi ed® and associated logos are registered
trademarks of Di X, Inc and are used under licence
This Di X Certi ed® de ice must be registered in order to play purchased Di X
Video-on-Demand (VOD) mo ies
Please note the online information
com/ od
This de ice is able to play Di X® ideo les that ha e been recorded on CD-R/RW,
DVD-R/RW and DVD R/RW discs and USB sticks
This de ice plays all ersions of Di X® ideo (incl Di X®8), ith standard playback
of Di X® media les
Unauthorised Di X® les may not play properly File e tensions such as a i or di
must be used properly
You can obtain further information on Di X® ideo les and soft are tools at