According to the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP) standards, it is recommended that proper pool
water chemistry conditions be maintained on an ongoing basis to help protect pool users, pool equipment and surfaces
in and around the pool. It is important to maintain these values to prevent corrosion, liming or other problems. The
SANICLEAR chlorine generation system warranty will void if these conditions are not met.
Your authorized SANICLEAR or most pool stores can provide you with the chemicals and procedures to adjust the water
chemistry. Be sure to tell the pool store that you are using a SANICLEAR Chlorine Generator System.
Free Chlorine: 1.0 – 3.0 ppm for pools, 3.0 – 5.0 for hot tubs
Combined Chlorine (Chloramines): None (super chlorinate to remove all chloramines)
PH: 7.2 – 7.8 (USE MURIATIC ACID to lower PH and Soda Ash to raise PH.)
Cyanuric Acid:
Total Alkalinity:
Calcium Hardness:
TDS (includes salt):
2700 - 3400 ppm (ideal 3000 ppm)
Metals (Copper, Iron, Manganese):
Saturation Index:
The purer the salt, the better the life and performance of the Chlorine Generator. Use salt that is at least 99.8% pure
NaCl, sodium chloride. The preferred and recommended salt is an evaporated, granulated, food quality, non-iodized
salt with no additives. Consult your salt supplier.
Avoid using salt with anti-caking agents (sodium ferrocyanide, also known as YPS or yellow prussiate of
soda). Filling agents can cause some discoloration of fittings and surface finishes in pool.
Water conditioning salt pellets are compressed forms of evaporated salt and may be used, but will take longer
to dissolve. Such pellets could damage pool plaster and other surfaces in and around the pool.
Do not use calcium chloride or potassium chloride as a source of salt. (Use sodium chloride only).
Do not use Rock salt (insoluble impurities mixed with the rock salt can shorten the life of the Cell)
30 – 100 ppm (Carvin recommend 80ppm
100 – 120 ppm
200 – 300 ppm for pools, 150 – 200 for hot tubs
6000 ppm maximum
Less than 125 ppb
-.2 to .2 (zero (0) best)