General Information
Body temperature control
The central nerve in the brain's hypothalamus controls the body tempe-
rature, maintaining it at a certain level. When the body temperature
goes up, it expands the blood vessels inside the skin and releases
sweat from the sweat glands, resulting in significant heat loss – a
hypothalamic reaction to suppress any further heat increase. However,
when the body temperature goes down, it contracts the blood vessels
and prevents sweat secretion from reacting to the stadium incremen'ti
by reducing heat. The human body can maintain a relatively regular
body temperature because heat production and loss always equates.
Body Temperature Measurement Ranges
Normal ranges by area:
FS-700 (Forehead) :
Why do fevers occur?
Normally, when bacteria, viruses or other pathogens attack the body,
fever occurs. Other reasons for fever can be tissue damage or blood
diseases. When burns and heart attacks occur, the blood vessels also
contract and prevent sweat secretion from reacting to the stadium
incremen'ti by reducing heat. The human body temperature can main-
tain a relatively regular body temperature because heat production and
loss always equates.
34.7 ~ 37.3 °C
35.5 ~ 37.5 °C
36.6 ~ 38.0 °C
36.0 ~ 37.9 °C