Vortice HR 40 Mode D'emploi page 28

Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles
  • FR

Les langues disponibles

  • FRANÇAIS, page 39
which the appliance performs may be summed up as
The frost protection valve begins opening automatically;
at the same time, the fan that feeds air in from outside
steps up its speed, to adjust to the greater air flow to be
If this action is insufficient, the speed of the external air
feed fan begins to slow down, to mimimize the amount
of heat needed to heat it up.
If this action is insufficient , the fan of the warm inside air
increases its speed, to increase the heat contribution
available, while the intake fan maintains the same
Lastly if even this measure should be insufficient when
faced with particularly bad external climate conditions,
in the absence of an optional resistance, the air inlet fan
stops completely and the de-frosting valve is shut, while
the stale air extractor fan continues operating. Once a
certain period of time has elapsed the inlet fan is then
turned back at on at minimum speed, the valve is
reopened and the external conditions are verified once
more; if the temperature in the meantime has increased
beyond the critical limit, the actions previously
described are then reiterated but in the reverse order.
If however an optional electric heater is available,
positioned in the fresh air inlet before the heat recovery
unit, its automatic activation strictly for the time required
is established automatically by the system, in order to
guarantee that frost does not form.
IMPORTANT: make sure that no object is placed close
to the frost protection valve, as this could obstruct its
regular functioning.
Two F5 filters, placed inside the inlet and extraction
channels close to the heat exchanger and accessible by
removing the front panel, safeguard it from the
impurities contained in the extracted stale air and avoid
the introduction of polluted air into the dwelling served
by the system.
A further optional filter, of class F7, placed in the internal
duct after the F5 filter, can provide an additional filtering
The state of filter clogging is constantly monitored by
the system,
completely automatically. The need for
maintenance/replacement is signalled, both visually and
acoustically, on the remote control.
The appliance is equipped with three temperature
sensors, one relative humidity sensor, which integrates a
further temperature sensor, and a CO 2 sensor. More
specifically, if the relative humidity, CO 2
temperature sensors detect values above the threshold
levels (where the temperature value may be set by the
user for the dwelling served), the appliance operation
adapts automatically, to restore normal environmental
conditions or at least in line with those set.
Before the appliance will work correctly, the CO 2 sensor
needs an average of 24 hours for auto-calibration
Remote control provided
All the functions of the appliance are managed through
the radiofrequency (RF) remote control. The functions
assigned to the various keys are the following:
(To see their use check the "Instruction for use"
• setting the initial values of Minimum and Maximum
Speed (to be performed by the Installer);
• enable/disable further variations to minimum and
maximum speed settings (for installer only).
• setting the mode of operation: Manual, Summer, Auto;
• setting the appliance operating speed, in the Manual
• setting the desired temperature for the dwelling;
• enabling and disabling (to be performed by the
introducing a pre-established and un-changeable
sequence of keys, that will force the appliance to
operate, continuously, in the AUTO mode; the user
can only set the TIMER function and change the time
or day of the week;
• setting the TIMER;
• display of the temperature, relative humidity and CO 2
concentration values in the served dwelling
• display of the time and date;
• display of the clogged state of the filters (a condition
highlighted by an acoustic warning);
• display of the code for any appliance malfunction.
T(°C) CO2(ppm) RH(%) O
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su


Table des Matières

Table des Matières