OPTION 8 -- 1 to 8 Keys , Clock & Data
Buffers up to 8 keys and outputs keypad data without a facility code
like standard Clock and Data card output. The keypad PIN code can be
one to eight digits long. The PIN code length is selected while
programming the reader for Option 8. The reader will transmit the data
when it receives the last key press of the PIN code. The data is sent
across the two data output lines as binary data in Clock & Data format.
If the "
" key or the "#" key are pressed during PIN code entry, the
keypad will clear the PIN code entry buffer, generate a beep and is
ready to receive a new keypad PIN code.
If the entry of the digit keypad PIN code is disrupted and no number
key or "#" key is pressed within 5 seconds, the keypad will clear the
PIN code entry buffer, generate a medium length beep and is ready to
receive a new keypad PIN code.
OPTION 9 -- 1 to 8 Keys , 30-Bit Wiegand
The keypad PIN code can be one to five digits long and can range
between 1 and 16.777.215. When entering a keypad PIN code that is
less than 8 digits long, the "#" key must be pressed to signify the end of
PIN code entry. For keypad PIN codes that are 8 digits long, on the
eighth key press, the data is sent across the Wiegand Data lines as
binary data in the same format as a 30-Bit Card.
If the "*" key or the "#" key are pressed during PIN code entry or a PIN code
greater than 16.777.215 is entered, the keypad will clear the PIN code
entry buffer, generate a beep and is ready to receive a new PIN code.
If the entry of the PIN code is disrupted and no number key or "#" key
is pressed within 5 seconds, the keypad will clear the PIN code entry
buffer, generate a medium length beep and is ready to receive a new 1
to 8 digit keypad PIN code.
= Even parity for first 14 bits.
= Odd parity for last 14 bits.
= 4-Bit reserved (always 0)
= 24-Bit code generated from keyboard