XXA0812, XXB0812 and XXC0812 Clutches
6. After removal, thoroughly clean all components and body with fresh water and inspect the
following critical items :
Roller Cages (both are identical) -
unclip from jaw and look for signs
of wear or flats on the roller surfaces.
If flats are found replace & consider
upgrade to XX-ROLL+. Ensure rollers
cages are re-attached in correct
Jaw Bearing Surfaces - ensure that
both are clean and smooth.
Jaw Grip Surfaces - clean off any rope debris. Check for excessive wear on the grip
surface. If the black anodised surface has aluminium showing through, replace with a new
XX-KIT, XXB-KIT or XXC-KIT assembly as appropriate.
Warning : do not use XXC-JAW in XX clutches as serious damage, harm and injury
could occure.
Jaw Linkplates - check these are attached to both sides of both jaws with pins and secured
by both pins. Ensure free movement of link plates/pins in jaws.
Release Pin - located centrally in top jaw. Check for any signs of surface wear.
Clutch Body - flush clean inside, paying particular attention to the upper and lower roller
surfaces, the two drainage runs in the base and their exits at the end mouldings.
Handle - do not remove this from the body. Check that the operation holds the handle in
the closed and fully open position (via the leaf spring mounted at the front of the wedge).
Lubricate pivots with silicone grease.
1. For Lock Open Versions ensure the lock open latch is in the down position.
2. Lift handle and rotate fully open and then back to 90º vertical.
3. Insert jaw assembly in body of XX. No force should be applied in stages 3-5.
4. Angle rear moulding backward, to locate lower fixing hooks in body.
5. Rotate top of cover into place flush with XX body.
6. Insert M5 Allen screw into the top surface that retains the rear moulding. Hand tighten only.
7. If Lock Open version, ensure latch is fully operational in both up and down positions as well as
opening and closing the handle fully.
8. For standard versions, open and close the handle fully to ensure fully operational.
9. Open handle fully and thread rope through XX body. See page 15 for rope feeding advice.
how to use
pages 14-15
M5 Allen screw
M8 fastener
pages 20-21
pages 36-37