Energizer doesn't
Electric fence voltage
is below 3000V
or your stock are
Materials and Tools
Gallagher dealers off er a complete range of products for your Power Fence. For
fence specifi cati ons and design contact your Gallagher dealer.
On permanent Power Fencing, use high tensile, 12.5 gauge wire. Do not use barbed
wire or 16 or 18 gauge wire. On portable fences, Polywire, Polytape or light gauge
wire may be used.
Gallagher 3E0682 Mains Energizer User Manual
Possible cause(s)
Energizer Off
Break in supply circuit
Faulty energizer
Faulty energizer
Inadequate earthing
Short on the fence line
Soluti on
Switch ON
Test power point
Have energizer repaired
Unplug the energizer from the
power supply and remove the
fence wire from the Red terminal.
Plug energizer in again. Using a
Digital Volt Meter (G5030) check
the voltage across the terminals.
If the voltage is less than 5000V,
have energizer repaired.
Improve the earth system by
adding more galvanised earth
stakes to the earth system unti l
the earth voltage is 200V or
Check the electrical connecti ons
are secure eg. from the fence to
the red terminal, from the earth
system to the green terminal, at
gates etc. Check the voltage on
the fence every 33m (100ft ) using
the Digital Volt Meter. Note if the
voltage is dropping. The closer
to a fault, the lower the voltage
reading will be. Become aware
of things that cause faults and
always be on the lookout for:
stray pieces of wire on the fence,
heavy vegetati on growth, cracked
or broken insulators, broken