Use the N and Q keys to change the input to be displayed.
Maximum scale value
See example
Minimum scale value
Example: 38% of the records correspond to the value 0.5 ºC.
Configuration changes log
This displays a list with the changes made in the configuration of the device.
Date and time of the change
Date format
Automatic time change
Log interval
Log start day
Temperature units
Mute Alarm
Delete log
Default parameters
GL:10 Modbus adress
GL:11 Modbus speed
GL:12 Acces rights
Ix: I0 (Input 1) - I9 (Input 10)
Alarm log
This displays a list with the alarms logged in the device, use the P and O keys to select the input to be displayed.
Logged temperature
Alarm date and time
Type of change (see table)
User who changed the configuration
U0: Non-configured users
U1/2/3/4/5: User 1/2/3/4/5
(For more information, consult the user manual)
Types of configuration changes
GL:13 User name 1
GL:14 User password 1
GL:15 User name 2
GL:16 User password 2
GL:17 User name 3
GL:18 User password 3
GL:19 User name 4
GL:20 User password 4
GL:21 User name 5
GL:22 User password 5
GL:23 Idioma
GL:24 Contrast
Alarm type
1575H031 Ed.04
This displays the values contained
in the block selected by way
of percentages
Maximum scale value
Displayed input indicator
Ix: 00 Input type
Ix: 01 Value at 4 mA
Ix: 02 Value at 20 mA
Ix: 03 Offset
Ix: 04 Display units
Ix: 05 Description
Ix: 06 Enable alarm
Ix: 07 Max. alarm level
Ix: 08 Min. alarm level
Ix: 09 Alarm delay
Ix: 10 Alarm output
Maximum alarm activation
Minimum alarm activation
Digital input activation
Probe error
< Maximum alarm deactivation
= Minimum alarm deactivation
Digital input deactivation
E Probe error deactivation