Getting eBooks
Create your account by following the store instructions.
Purchased eBooks will be downloaded to eBook Library.
Transferring eBooks to the Reader
Click "Purchased" under "Library" to locate purchased eBooks.
Click an eBook to select, and then drag and drop it to "Reader."
The transferred eBook can be read on the Reader after disconnecting it
from your computer.
Please refer to the eBook Library Help for further information.
If you encounter an issue, resolve the issue in the following order.
Refer to the User's Guide or the eBook Library Help.
You can obtain the User's Guide in one of the following ways:
Connect the Reader via USB, then access the zipped file (PRS600_
UG) stored on the Reader.
Windows; from the Start menu, click the following: "My Computer"
("Computer" in the case of Vista) – "READER" – "Documents" –
Drag and drop to your computer and unzip it.
Macintosh; click the following: "READER" – "Documents" –
Download the User's Guide from the support web site to your
Visit the support site.
For customers in the USA:
For customers in Canada:
For customers in Europe:
Contact (call) Sony Support. (USA/Canada only)
For customers in the USA: 1-866-962-7669
For customers in Canada: 1-877-899-7669
About the serial number
The serial number provided for this unit is required for customer registration. The
number is on a label on the back of the unit. Do not remove the label.
Owner's Record
The model and serial numbers are located on the back of the unit. Record them in the
space provided below. Refer to these numbers in the spaces whenever you call upon
your Sony dealer regarding this product.
Model No. ___________________________
Serial No. ___________________________