Reading eBooks
Home menu
In the Home menu, tap
Tap the desired book in the "Books" list.
To turn pages, press the <
> (Page Turn) buttons.
To return to the "Books" list
Press the OPTIONS button, then tap "Return to List."
To return to the Home menu
Press the
(Home) button.
"Books" list
Getting eBooks
To purchase or download eBooks, install eBook Library software on your
computer and register to the eBook store.
When the Reader is connected to your PC, the AutoPlay window appears
on the screen.
Click "Install eBook Library" in the "Installer for Reader" window,
and then follow the on-screen instructions.
AutoPlay window
(in case of Windows Vista)
If the AutoPlay feature is disabled, start the installation launcher manually.
From the Start menu, click the following: "My Computer"("Computer" in
the case of Vista) – "Installer for Reader" – "Windows" – "Setup eBook
To install eBook Library on a Macintosh
When the Reader is connected to your Mac, "LAUNCHER" and
"READER" appear on the desktop. Click the following, and then follow
the on-screen instructions: "LAUNCHER" – "Mac" – "Setup eBook
Start eBook Library, and then click "eBook Store."
"eBook Store"