Manual Mode
To select Manual Mode set dipswitches 8, 9 and 10 to ON.
Dipswitch 1 and 2 control the brightness of the „R" LEDs.
Dipswitch 3 and 4 control the brightness of the „G" LEDs.
Dipswitch 5 and 6 control the brightness of the „B" LEDs.
Auto-Mix Color Mode
In order to select Auto-Mix Color Mode, set dipswitches 9 and 10 to ON and dipswitch 8 to OFF.
Speed (increasing) can be controlled by setting the dipswitches 1 - 7 to ON.
You can control the projectors individually via your DMX-controller. Every DMX-channel has a different
occupation with different features.
Addressing the Projector
Set the dipswitch 10 to OFF. At least 1 dipswitch (from 1 – 9) must be set on ON.
Dipswitches 1 – 9 set the DMX addresses.
After having addressed all LED T-36 RGB Pinspot, you may now start operating these via your lighting