16. Utilisation du Yocto-MaxiDisplay en JavaScript / EcmaScript
trouverez un fichier html, avec une section JavaScript similaire au code précédent, mais avec
quelques variantes pour permettre une interaction à travers la page HTML plutôt que sur la console
<!DOCTYPE html>
let disp, l1;
let h, w, y, x, vx, vy;
async function startDemo() {
await YAPI.LogUnhandledPromiseRejections();
await YAPI.DisableExceptions();
// Setup the API to use the VirtualHub on local machine
let errmsg = new YErrorMsg();
if (await YAPI.RegisterHub('', errmsg) != YAPI.SUCCESS) {
alert('Cannot contact VirtualHub on ' + errmsg.msg);
// Select specified device, or use first available one
let serial = document.getElementById('serial').value;
if (serial == '') {
// by default use any connected module suitable for the demo
let anydiplay = YDisplay.FirstDisplay();
if (anydiplay) {
let module = await anydiplay.module();
serial = await module.get_serialNumber();
document.getElementById('serial').value = serial;
disp = YDisplay.FindDisplay(serial + ".display");
//clean up
await disp.resetAll();
// retreive the display size
w = await disp.get_displayWidth();
h = await disp.get_displayHeight();
// reteive the first layer
let l0 = await disp.get_displayLayer(0);
// display a text in the middle of the screen
await l0.drawText(w / 2, h / 2, l0.ALIGN_CENTER, "Hello world!");
// visualize each corner
await l0.moveTo(0, 5);
await l0.lineTo(0, 0);
await l0.lineTo(5, 0);
await l0.moveTo(0, h - 6);
await l0.lineTo(0, h - 1);
await l0.lineTo(5, h - 1);
await l0.moveTo(w - 1, h - 6);
await l0.lineTo(w - 1, h - 1);
await l0.lineTo(w - 6, h - 1);
await l0.moveTo(w - 1, 5);
await l0.lineTo(w - 1, 0);
await l0.lineTo(w - 6, 0);
// draw a circle in the top left corner of layer 1
l1 = await disp.get_displayLayer(1);
await l1.clear();
await l1.drawCircle(h / 8, h / 8, h / 8);
// and animate the layer
x = 0;
y = 0;
vx = 1;
vy = 1;