How to use the Main Collection Bin
Suitable for use with the following recycling waste: bulky plastic, card and paper
packaging items
Plastic Bottles Mixed Paper &
Open the appliance door and
make sure your bin is ready for use.
The removable bin base should be
inserted flat side facing upwards
inside the bin so that it rests on the
flanges at the bottom.
We recommend you use a custom fit
Krüshr bag to line the bin so as to ease
emptying the compacted waste and of
course help to keep the bin clean.
Before fitting a bag we suggest you
look to see how the bin sits on the
four rollers on top of its frame.
See separate section for instructions on how to fit a Krüshr bag.
Once the bin is ready for use, place your recycling materials into the bin.
ONLY when the bin is at least two thirds full should you press the power switch
(blue button) and shut the door. You will hear a slow bleeping noise which
indicates that compaction is in operation. During this operation the compaction
mechanism moves down inside the main bin exerting significant force. Do not